TY Trip to Naval base.



T.Y. mini companies.

The T.Y. mini companies are in full swing present.  Students have come up with innovative business ideas, conducted their market research costed their product service and are reeling in the profits!

This year we have a wide variety of products/services available including professional photography of Wexford Landscapes, Fondue days, timetable key rings, hurley lamps, wallets made from duct tape, personalised alarm clocks,gaming t-shirts, handmade scented candles, TY hoodies, festive catering, hurley coat hangers, laptop trays and a TY ball to be held in February 2012.

No need to go further than CBs for your Christmas shopping!!!

Support the Richard Bransons of tomorrow!!!

Swimming, Opera and Radio

Tuesday 25th of October
 Transition years had a busy day. Swimming at 9.15, where they had some underwater photographs taken as well as some water polo, then back across the river to the Wexford Opera Festival for a performance of Gianni Schicci in Whites Hotel. The themes of deception, legacies, love, marriage , money and the lack of it, certainly kept the boys interest alive during the performance. Finally a group of 12 pupils were selected to produce a radio programme with Lyric FM ably assisted by the girls from nearby Presentation Convent.

T.Y.’s Retreat

Transition year students were on Retreat on Thursday 13th of October with Fr. Brian Whelan, Mrs. Hayes, Ms Spellman and Ms. Wallace, an enjoyable time was has by all as they reflected upon their place and how to do good on this planet.
If at first you fail, then you try again and again.